
Baking Soda and Acne

Baking Soda and Acne

Actually you can use Baking soda and acne Treatment for your skin to cure acne. When 
 mixed with water it can open clogged pores and exfoliate your skin. Baking soda remove 
 pimples and acne cause of Baking soda has a whitening effect. however Baking soda can 
 equilibrate pH levels of your face. The best thing  with using Baking soda and acne , you 
can buy baking soda in your local grocery .

Baking Soda exfoliate your skin with soda. You can give yourself a mini commemoration 
treatment by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water. 
after that softly rub the mixture on your acne area for one minute then rinse it.

Baking Soda and Acne Face Mask 


Baking soda

Apple and cucumber.

Take two teaspoons of filtered water and one teaspoon of the baking soda in the first bowl and mix them well. If the Mixture is too fluid add more baking soda Cut the apple and put it another mixing bowl. Grind the apple pieces until they are a paste, make sure you mash it properly and that no big pieces are left. Take the apple paste and mix  it in the first bowl with filtered water and baking soda.

Mash a cucumber and add it to the previously made mixture. Now mix it until they are all mixed well together.Take one teaspoon of honey and add it to the mixture. Mix it until everything is mixed and put the bowl in to the refrigerator.

Leave the bowl in for a hour or two and you're baking soda mixture will be prepared for use.Now baking soda is prepared you just apply it to your acne spots , Leave it on for ten minutes then rinse it. Repeat Baking Soda and Acne three time per week , Baking Soda and Acne are natural cure to get rid of acne. For a better understanding of acne and to get rid of acne naturally visit Acne No more.