
Honey Face Mask Benefits

Honey Face Mask Benefits
Using a honey face mask for your face, you will know that it is great and you can be 100% sure it protect the skin and give your face new look! There are many benefits when it comes to using honey face mask. Actually, been used as a great remedy to cure acne .So what are Honey Face Mask Benefits towards skin?

Honey contains natural anti-bacterial; anti-fungal properties that can save the skin from infections.It is a soap without essential oils, and among the mildest soaps we make.they are Honey Face Mask Benefits.

Honey alone can be used as a mask and is efficient to cure acne by cleansing your pores and do not allow microbes growing there due to its anti microbial properties. also the waxy part of honey helps keep the skin downy, fresh and glowing.

Honey Face Mask Benefits Honey has anti oxidants , anti microbial properties and at the same time, is viscous. The Viscosity pulls away the dust, dead skin etc. from the pores while the anti microbial properties do not let the skin infected again. The anti oxidants in it helps make the skin look more young and last but not the least, the wax in it makes the skin smooth, soft, moist and glowing.

You'll need 14 ml. of honey, preferably raw and 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix your ingredients together well. Dampen your face with warm water and smooth the mixture over the face. Leave this mask on for about 25 minutes and rinse off with warm water.To use honey as a spot treatment on pimples you picked at, put a drop of honey on your finger and slowly pat it onto the infected area before bed. Cover overnight with a bandage.